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La génétique et notre identité - courte étude en anglais

Commentaires Composés : La génétique et notre identité - courte étude en anglais. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  17 Décembre 2013  •  346 Mots (2 Pages)  •  813 Vues

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I think that identity is determined more by nature than nurture because I believe that, even if we push our child to be more masculine or feminine, it will still become the person that’s written in its genes.

Firstly, the genes and the body structure have a lot to do in the gender identity. It is known that women have the structure to breed children and that men, with bigger bones and muscles, are more likely to play more aggressive game like hunting games. It sure happens sometimes that girls and boys body look alike but, referring to their parents, they will understand that a woman is made to have children and a man to protect it’s wife and bring food at home.

Secondly, I think that gender identity is the same as sexual orientation, which is in our personality since we are born. It is proved that a man or a woman can be homosexual even if he was raised in a totally heterosexual family. It, just like our gender identity, is in us since the beginning of our life and even if you raise your child to be totally a boy or totally a girl, it will still become the person he wants to be.

Thirdly, I believe that the only influence that the parents can have on their children games is how aggressive or respectful they play. I think that if you let your son play with guns and other weapons, it will sure become aggressive. Most of people associate aggressive games with masculinity, but a boy can play boy games without being aggressive. The same goes for the girls. Playing girls games doesn’t mean playing degrading games. The only thing that parents can do is to learn their child en how to play games, but they can’t make them love either feminine or masculine games.

Finally, my opinion is that, no matter who you want your children to be, they will still become the person that’s written in them and pushing them to be someone else will only make their life more difficult.


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