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LELE L'imaginaire

Dissertation : LELE L'imaginaire. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  13 Janvier 2014  •  463 Mots (2 Pages)  •  2 876 Vues

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magination is not lunacy; the authors have many constraints to be respected for example : the genre, the role of the extract in the structure of the work, the psychology and other qualities of the characters with the character building.

How do authors create imaginary worlds in this different extracts ?

We will study three different literary movements : the science fiction, the absurd and the gothic where an imaginary world are represented according to the authors.


First, we will speak about YLLA. YLLA a short story extracted from The martian chronicles by Rad Bradbury, it was published in 1950. Our extract is the incipit of the story, this genre is the Science Fiction. This genre is based on strangeness, it is set in the future and or or in space. It fall into two categories : something are strange because they do not exist yet (laser guns), or they belong to a world which is different from the one we know (faraway planets). To create his imaginary world, Ray Bradburry starts from the real and modifies some elements to create otherness. In natural or technological things. He uses different stylistic techniques like the prolepsis which gives the reader unnatural powers. But the topic is traditional with an unhappy marriage and meeting sceneries.


Secondly, we will study about Through in the looking glass. This sequel to Alice in Wonderland, was published in 1871 by Lewis Carrol. He's an absurd authors which explains why the topic is unclear. The absurd movement discribe there is a refusal of the story, with envents that can be told. In this story, there are a collection of objects but their purpose is unclear. Attention, the Asburd is not a chaos, the writing rules are respected like the form of the dialogue. The absurdity comes from the gap between the naturalness of the dialogue and the lack of logic of its subject. Taken separately, all of the elements are realistic. The absurd is the contact between them, they do not fit together, they conflict.


Then, we will examine an extract from Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. This gotic text was write in 1816. In the begining, Victor Frankenstein describe a lovely scene with woods and water. But after it's obscured in darkness, the weather is deteriorates. This soudaintly changement announce the monster's arrival and Elisabeth (Frankenstein's wife) death Victor's state of mind echoes the changes in the scenery. His wife as killed ,by the monster who have supernaturel power there is a bloody description with lots of details. There is an ellipsis, the murder isn't narrated so we have Victor's viewpoint, his reaction is comparable to death.

To conclued, imaginary worlds can interpret to differents way according to the authors and the litterary movements. But we can find some same elements like the presence of surnatural.


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