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L'alcool aux Etats-Unis (document en anglais)

Commentaire de texte : L'alcool aux Etats-Unis (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  11 Mai 2015  •  Commentaire de texte  •  243 Mots (1 Pages)  •  808 Vues

Alcohol affects more and more young people in the United States.

Firstly, I will talk about the different reasons why young people drink more. Secondly, I will mention the effects and consequences that alcohol abuse causes. Thirdly, I will give you my opinion about the young who drink a lot of alcohol. Finally, I will give you 3 ways to fight against alcohol abuse among young people.

To begin with, some young people drink so much alcohol because they think it helps them to forget their daily problems. Others drink just to have a fun and relax or feel good. Finally, some young people drink alcohol to do like the others. Indeed, it is difficult to say “no” for fear of being ridiculous or rejected.

Unlike what young people think, alcohol is not cool. Indeed, Alcohol clouds your brain and reduces your ability to make decisions. Moreover excessive drinking literally makes your brain shrink and can cause serious damage. Furthermore binge drinking can cause learning disabilities and damage your memory. To finish alcohol distorts your vision and leads to blackouts. In conclusion alcohol can cause rapes, crimes or even worse death.

I think that teenagers who drink heavily behave in a ridiculous way, it is immature and dangerous because young people risk their lives for a party.

I would like to conclude by saying that we can fight against alcoholism among the young by creating awareness campaigns and banning teenagers the sale of alcoholic drinks in stores.


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