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Interview Du Prince William -(En Anglais)

Documents Gratuits : Interview Du Prince William -(En Anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  20 Mai 2014  •  348 Mots (2 Pages)  •  956 Vues

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Present you.

Hey, I am prince William, the prince of England

When and where are you born ?

I was born on the 21 juin of 1982 in London.

Can you to speak me a bit your childhood and your family ?

Oh yes, I was a quiet child, I enjoy playing football, basketball.. I was always sérious about what I was doing and apply, even to school.

In my opinion, the family is very important, I lost my mother, princess Diana in the age of 15 years old, she died in car accident, she was a golden mom, I miss me. My father was always there for me, the prince Charles and with my brother the prince Harry.

What is something that you are proud of ?

I am proud, when I realize a humanitarian aid, when I try to make the world better, to help a people in trouble. But my greatest pride is my marriage with Kate and my son.

If you, were a superheros, what power would you have and why ?

A superheros ? Hum..... I choose.. Hancock played by Will Smith because, he is my idea of the heros, he's brave, that saves the world and which fly. Or Mmmm I shall be a fireman because I appreciate their simplicity and are real heroes of the everyday life

What are your weaknesses ?

I don't know in my job we have to have not much weakness to carry out our mission correctly, but we say of me, that I am stubborn

What are your strengths ?

My points strengths are to be compliant, ambitious and generous.

As a child, what was your job dream ?

Ahah I dream to be an astronaut certainly as all the children

What do you hope to accomplish in the next ten years ?

Many thing I think at the present moment thus we shall see in ten years.

But now, my main priority, is my wife, Kate and my son. I would like a beautiful life their sides.

What advice would you give to for the future ?

For the future, I want, the peace in the world

What are you most frequent activities ?

As prince, he's my duty to make humanitarian aid and Military interventions.


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