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Histoire des mythes et des héros (texte en anglais)

Mémoire : Histoire des mythes et des héros (texte en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  15 Mars 2015  •  454 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 144 Vues

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I am going to talk about the notion of myths and heroes through successful career. In fact, in today's society, the goal of population is to find a satisfying job that provides money, fame but also recognition. Nevertheless, our career is based on our personal values and motivation. That is why, much of the population are breathe in a model : people are inspired by people who have accomplished great things. To be considered a hero must not only save lives: an athlete, a businessman or a creator can be called heroes. How can someone's career be influenced by his or her heroes and myths?

To illustrate this concept, we can take the example of Vince Papale, a football player, who was the oldest rookie in the NFL. During his childhood, he was not destined to become a professional player, but thanks to his determination, his talent and his work, he was able to achieve his dream. That's why Vince Papalee is a hero to many. Indeed, he has overcome many obstacles before success. This character is perfectly in the myth of "self made man" in the United States: he managed without any help, just his own strength. Today, Vince travels the country to talk about his victory over colon cancer. He delivers a message of hope and encourages people to go for their dreams. So, he can be considered as a hero.

Then , we can talk about several people known to all thanks to their invention. It’s possible to quote Henry Ford who is well-know for being the initior of the assembly line. His model T revolutionized the car industry, marking him one of the richest men in the world. Or Bill Gates who is the chairman of Microsoft. Altough,he is one of the wealthiest men in the world, he donates large amount of money to charitable organizations. They are again self-made men who climbed the social ladder. Most of them strated form scratch and went from rags to riches : It’s the American Dream.

Finally, Andrew Carnegie, a Scottish immigrant who made a fortune in the USA was an other example to illustrate the notion myths and hero. In fact, he can be regarded as a hero because he wasn’t selfish even if he was one of the richest man in the world. He made sacrifices to achieve his goal. He embodies determination that’s why people can admire him and consider him as a true hero.

In conclusion we can say that we should not necessarily be a famous person in the world to be considered a hero. Indeed, we have seen a single person who's successful professional career can be consedered as a hero such as Andrew Carnegie or Vince Papale.


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