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Cours : English. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  6 Octobre 2013  •  Cours  •  220 Mots (1 Pages)  •  2 897 Vues


Do you think CEOs who falsify accounts are criminals and should go to jail or is it an acceptable risk to falsify accounts if it helps to safeguard the company's future and jobs?

I think in some cases the CEOs who falsify the accounts of their business are criminals and should go to jail.Indeed, if a CEO decides to sell his business and he wants to hide a significant loss, which simply preventsthe sale, it falsifies the result, and passes a loss to a profit, then yes he deserves go to jail, and it is in some sense a criminal, because it can destroy the lives of those who buy his company.

Similarly, if a CEO falsifies every year a large part of his accounts, he deserves prison.

However, I think that a few fake account, but that's really obvious, is an acceptable risk if it can safeguard the future of the company, especially jobs. If it's just a little lower its loss, or increase slightly with merchandise sales, then yes it's okay, it does not bother anyone. But it will ensure not having to falsify its accounts each year so

In conclusion, I would say that the CEOs who falsify their accounts are not all criminals and it should go to jail,it depends on the reasons leading to a CEO to do so.


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