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Devoir Anglais Bts Sp3s 1ère Année: devrions-nous devenir végétariens?

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Par   •  14 Janvier 2014  •  235 Mots (1 Pages)  •  2 003 Vues

Devoir 1: should we all become vegetarians

question 1: écoute les questions enregistrer et écrit tes réponses.

Dans la première question sur le site des devoir d'anglais en ligne ils demandent de présenter la nature du document,le titre, l'origine et la composition.

1) This document is an article entitled shoul we all become vegetarians.

the text taken from " trhe time" published in october 14 2002.

the article is divided into an introduction and four paragraphes.

the text deals with people( teens) who become vegetarians.

2:traduire le titre: the translation about the title is : Devrions nous tous devenir vegetarian

3:In the introduction richard corliss explain that most people in particulary young people (teens) become vegetarians and it's show their behaviour ( health problems anorexie boulimia...)

The vegetarians considered that eat meat ( beef, veal) it's like kill a life and become veggie for them i's become more respectfull about animals and the nature.

4):The journallist is present in this text, we can see that because he is talk about the statistics ( teens) and he discribe their behavoir about the society.

Question 2:les numérons sont 3,1,2,5,4

Questions 3: les équivalents: légumes: vegetables

abandonner: give up

en moyenne: average

le poids weight

abeilles: bees

un moment: take a long time while

question 4: vrai ou faux

1 vrai: lignes 6 à9

2 vrai: lignes 25 à 28

3faux: linges 47 à 51

4 vrai lignes 62 à 65

question 5: qui ou quoi se réfère au mots:

1: their: many children

2: we: vegetarians

3:them: youing girls

4: its vegetarianism

5: vegetarian


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