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Description de Norauto Anglais

Dissertations Gratuits : Description de Norauto Anglais. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  18 Février 2015  •  390 Mots (2 Pages)  •  877 Vues

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Company Presentation

1-) Company Name

My company is Norauto. The first company was founded in October 1970 by Eric Derville in Englos a city close to Lille. This company is a branch but it exists as a franchise too.

In 1986 Norauto opened the first shop internationally in Spain and created their first product with their trademark: it’s an oil for engines.

In 1987: it was the first advertising campaign on the TV for my company.

Between 1992 & 1993 it opened of the one hundredth shop.

In 1994 the company offered their loyalty card.

2-) Location

Norauto is located in Saint-Maur, a little town near Châteauroux.

It’s a French company, it owns four hundred and eighty seven (487) centres and is established internationally in nine country around the world.

3-) Facts and Figures

In my company there are eleven employees, one boss, one sales manager, one workshop manager, four salesmen and fours mechanics.

For one year we receive more or less 25272 customers.

4-) Activities, Products and Services

Norauto is a centre specializing in the repair and maintenance of vehicles.

The centre sells automobile spare parts.

In the workshop mechanics repair vehicles, change different parts.

For example they change tyres, brakes, and windscreen.

On the other side, in the shop sellers propose different products for vehicles and other accessories around the world of the road.

For example we sell audio units, mats, air filters, oil filters, fuel filters, and brake pads

5-) Specialities

My company is the leader on the market of car workshop.

The competitor is just Feu Vert, located to Déols, 20 kilometres.

My company has the lowest prices for tyres and propose mounting of tyres in one hour.

6-) My role

When I’m in my company, I sell different products, and services for people’s cars. I sell cleaning products, high-low lamp, tyres, I do licence plate.

I give advice to customers. Customers often ask tyres price. I participate in the centre’s merchandising, I can establish end of gondola and sometimes sales promotions.

7-) Current projects and future plans

Norauto will offer new services in the company like an electronic catalogue for each shelf, tablet computers for the sellers to take the size of tyres or the good reference for windscreen wipers.

8-) My future

First I would like to finish my studies, and if possible in my company, because I want to stay


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