- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Cv (Curriculum Vitae) en Anglais

Dissertations Gratuits : Cv (Curriculum Vitae) en Anglais. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  24 Février 2013  •  618 Mots (3 Pages)  •  897 Vues

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Rey Joris

170 places de la guinguette

38730 Panissage



Born 3rd October 1995

French citizen –male

Education: -Portes de chartreuse vocational high school in Voreppe.

2012-2013 : currently in last year of BTEC national in catering.

Training experience : November 2010 : four weeks in restaurante “l’Entrecote“ in la Tour du Pin as a cook. For this training I was in the hot dish.

May 2011 :three weeks in estaurante “la Verriere“in Pont de Beauvoisin as a cook. For this training I was in the dessert.

October 2011 : three weeks in restaurante “le Bec fin“ in la Tour du Pin as a waitress. During this training I served a wedding.

Junes -July2012 : five weeks in restaurante “ la Chaumiere“ in Voiron as a cook. For this training I was in the hot dish and dessert.

Work experience : July 2012 : I worked as a gardener.

Additionnal information :

-English :read ,written and spoken A2.

-I am used to working on computers. I worken word and excel.

-Spanish : read , written and spoken A2

Hobbies :

-I play basket-ball in a club “Terre froide basket“ in Colombe.

-I am the manager of a junior basket-ball team at the week end.


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