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Corriger de DM d'anglais

Cours : Corriger de DM d'anglais. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  7 Décembre 2018  •  Cours  •  332 Mots (2 Pages)  •  488 Vues

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Anglais DM

E :

yes because, with the new technology nowadays, the world of automotive business is changing, its becoming a fashion, the new means of sale, site, application, sales center, the online car sales business is in plainevolution and becomes a major competitor of car dealerships, with its new medium and mode of operation.

G :

Yes, it is necessary for the companies to adapt to the new technology and to follow the movement of the world of the new technologies, then the years pass, then the technologies evolve, the world of work evolves thanks to that, for continues to evolves the companies must follow the new technology to the letter not to let it go beyond the competition that would adapt, it is more than necessary to adapt to the new technology is almost essential for the evolution of business and fludged companies .

H :

the car sales companies, one of multiple way to make better known their brand to the public, such as ads which is the greatest means used televised or poster, they must be attractive to make themselves known, they have the opportunity to put available new models to the seller for their move to make them known or mounted a partnership with stores or others to view the vehicles to the general public.
a great way used is sponsorship with sports clubs.

D :

it is not risky to start a new business nowadays, because there is so much help available to start a business that it is not risky, which can be risky is to make a good life his business after his creation of being able to pay all the bills or others, because in our country it is easy to open and close a company, what is more complicated in this is to make live his business to always have the The money to pay the bills, as a good connoisseur in a family business, to start a business requires a good organization and a mind as strong as the kidneys.


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