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Compréhension écrite en anglais

Commentaire d'oeuvre : Compréhension écrite en anglais. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  14 Mai 2014  •  Commentaire d'oeuvre  •  752 Mots (4 Pages)  •  694 Vues

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Evaluation 02: comprehension écrite.

General comprehension (14 pts)

I) Choose the appropriate answer and justify your choice by quoting from the text. (2pts)

 = the correct answer

1. This story takes place in:

 Great Britain (this story takes place in Great Britain)

• Australia

• Ireland

2. This document is an extract from:

 a short story (this document is an extract from a short story

• a magazine article

• an advertisement

II) Complete and write down the following summary, using words from the text or your own words. (12 pts)

This article deals with (1) Shaun Robins, a fifteen- years (2) boy who lives in Somerset, in south-west England. He has chosen (3) to go to a school farm because his parents are farmers. They have (4) a sheep farm on Exmoor and raise(5) sheep, cows and horses.

Shaun studies general school subjects (6) and horticulture, agriculture and engineering (7). In his school, they grow (8) vegetables and Christmas trees. Shaun is a very happy boy who loves the lifestyle of farming (9). After high school, he wants (10) to go on college (11) for a while, before working (12) his parents on the farm.

Detailed comprehension (26 pts)

III) Pick out elements from the text showing that: (5 pts)

1. Shaun has a busy schedule.

“We have school six full days a week” (L.19) “We do all the normal school subjects, like maths, English, geography, science and history. But we also do horticulture, agriculture and engineering.” We all help on the school farm and in the gardens.”(L.8-9-10)

2. He is a very motivated boy, keen on studying farming and horticulture.

“So I really liked the idea of coming to school specialized in agriculture and horticulture” (L.5-6)

3. In his school farm one of his duties is to take care of animals.

“(…) and we feed and look after the animals” (L.11)

4. He likes the idea of working with his parents.

“I don’t mind working with my parents” (L.16-17)

5. He can’t stand staying inside.

“I hate being inside. I’m a very “outside” person. (L.18)

IV) Are the following statements right or wrong? Justify each answer by briefly quoting the text : (8 pts)

1. According to Shaun Robins, farming has been a family tradition for a long time.

Right: “my family have been farming for hundreds of years”. (L.3)


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