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Composition et effet du chocolat (document en anglais)

Analyse sectorielle : Composition et effet du chocolat (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  15 Avril 2014  •  Analyse sectorielle  •  1 032 Mots (5 Pages)  •  624 Vues

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Anna : Welcome all, to our new TV show today in “This is not rocket science” with Frank Patachou and Elisabeth Duflan ! Today we are going to talk about chocolate !!! Sure you all love chocolate but I doubt that you really know what chocolate is….

The University of Michigan has recently made a new discovery about your favourite candy. Through their research they found something they didn’t expect. Chocolate contains more antioxidant molecules than all other aliments; more that fruit juice!

So that’s why we think that it’s a good idea to talk about chocolate. This discovery could change your mind about it! But firstly we are going to explain how chocolate is made, the elements of which it is composed and then their effects.

So let’s start Frank Patachou !

Adrien : Thank you Elisabeth

Today I will talk to you about how chocolate is made

It’s not really that complicated. Firstly you need cocoa beans, in order to extract the cocoa butter. But how do you extract the cocoa butter?

Simply, you need to let your cocoa beans ferment and then roast them (by putting them in a fire), and then you have your cocoa butter. But cocoa butter is really acidic. So it needs a next step which is called chocolate conching, and was discovered by Mr Lindt. The chocolate is mixed at 80 degrees Celsius which suppresses the acidity. Now you can add sugar you can make any form, figure or decorative mould with your chocolate if it heated to the necessary hot temperature.

The cocoa butter is one of the most important ingredients of chocolate, not because it contains all of the nutrients, but because it gives it its texture and its appearance

Then, to give it its taste, you can add what you like, cereals, fruits, vanilla….. but the most important is add the cocoa powder, its concentration gives its taste to chocolate. The cocoa powder comes from cocoa beans that have been crushed. And it is added to your cocoa butter.

Now I hope you understand how your chocolate is made, but do you know about all the different types of chocolate? Maybe not, Elisabeth will now present all the different types of chocolate and in fact there are many different chocolates you can make…. Elisabeth I think you really love the chocolate right, Could you talk to us about different types of chocolate that are found on the market ?

Anna : Of course I love. As you all know there are different kinds of chocolate. These are the basics: The very strong black with 99% cocoa, the black one (with 70% cocoa), milk chocolate and white chocolate. It is very important to say that in white chocolate, there is no cocoa POWDER. That’s why it is…. White! But you can’t name a chocolate if it doesn’t contain enough cocoa butter or cocoa powder. Every type of chocolate has a basic concentration : black chocolate needs at least 35% cocoa of which there is 18% of cocoa butter !

Milk chocolate needs 26 % of cocoa and white chocolate you need at least 20% of cocoa butter ! The rest is sugar !

. Anyway, it’s important to add that nowadays you can find chocolate with coffee, orange, mint, nuts and coconuts, candy, marmalade and even jelly popping (which crackles in your mouth!)

Anyway, if you all know about


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