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Cours : Companies. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  24 Novembre 2019  •  Cours  •  519 Mots (3 Pages)  •  391 Vues

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Companies = is a legal entity made up of an association of people to engage in and operate in work

Purpose of company :

- Commercial  to make profit by selling goods and services. Increase their turnover.

(CEO = PDG  Chief Executive Officer)

- Expand internationnally, open branches worldwide

- Ready to face and overcome harsh competition. In this world where « the law of the fittest » is prevailing by finding strategies to always attract new consumers.

Ethical  Care about its employees « Well being, be environmentally-friendly. Be socially responsible and a bide by the laws of World Trade Organisation (WTO = OMC Organisation Mondiale du Commerce).

Walmart is an american multinationnal retail corporporation that operate a chain of hype market, discount departements stores and grosseries. Founded in 1962 by Sam Walton. It is the single largest private employer in both the US and Mexico. Today 11 277 stores worldwide with 2,3 million of employees.

Owner = Walton family (51% of its shares).

Walmart vaut 6 fois plus que Google.

Monsanto and Bayerare companies selling medecine and chemical products to firmers. The German Company Bayer is about to merge with Monsanto, the American agricultural chemical company. In the end they will own a quarter (1/4) of the global market share (part du marché) them increase their turnover and competences/know-how.

Document 2 p 56

Demontration = manifestation

This audio is about the aftermaths of big companies who don’t respect fair trade laws.

Cheabols is a conglomerate that is run and controlled by extermely wealthy families.

Chae = money // Bol = organisation

They are reforming as they have been involved in corruption (LG, Kia motor, Hyundai, Samsung, Hanjin)

The new elected President of South Korea : Moon Jae In, former human-right laweyr appointed fair-trade commissioner Mr Kim Sam Joe.

This reform was about to change these big companies into simple holding company structures because these company organisations were criticized for bribery, tax evasion and collusion.

In the end, Mr Kim considersthat unfairtrade outweighs the benefits that cheabols makes so public pressure is needed to counterbalance their power as well as new investors who have their say in decisions to take.

Document 3 p 57

Two famous phone companies which are competing with each other. Samsung is south Korean while Apple is American and sells very expensive electronic equiments. There is a fierce competition to gain market shares. In this caricature, we can see that Apple is about to globble up Samsung and appears to be the strongest the most aggressive. However things may change tomorrow with the other way round as samsung’s tools are very well sold arround the world service they cheaper.



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