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Discours : BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL – SPEECH PERSO. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  25 Février 2016  •  Discours  •  475 Mots (2 Pages)  •  889 Vues

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Hello, I'm here today to talk to you about an issue as old as the World : The gender inequality. I wanna talk about it and I wanna try to make you more aware of what's going on about sexes inequality as the association HeForShe led by Emma Watson.

I think we are tired to hear about these subjects, some soporific speeches for hours about how women are treated and how men are superior. I personnaly think it's annoynig and I think you feel the same ! Tired of speaking about feminism ? But do we really know the definition of feminism ? For record, feminism by definition is the belief that women and men should have equal rights and opportunities, and not a synonymous of man-hating.

I am a woman, and I think I should have the same rights than my male counterparts. I think it's right that I am afforded the same respect as men. And I'm from France, my living conditions are better than 70 % of the rest of the population on Earth. My life is a privilege.

Ok, We, wemen, some day, bite in an apple given by a snake. Ok, we screwed up, but it's time to forgive us. Firstly because we give life. And we put on weight, we endure the stretch marks during nine long months while Mr Right is lying on the couch, eating chips and drinking beer for finally faint in the birth room.

Because in two thousand sixteen, If I were born in China, I could not have been able to live.

Because in two thousand sixteen, we will soon be able to make a fire with an Iphone but a woman still earn thirty-five percent less than a man.

Because in two thousand sixteen, we are able to visit the space, to walk on the moon, but in some countries, if you are born a girl, school is still forbidden.

Because in two thousand sixteen, we can reach someone at the other end of the World, but ladies are still discriminated because being pregnant means missing work for months.

Because in two thousand sixteen, being a woman still sucks, but still less than being a man.

We don't often talk about men imprisoned by gender stereotypes. But isn't it true that being a father is less valued that being a mother ? Isn't it true that men have to be strong and are unable to ask for help when they need it for fear it would make them less of a man.

Men, I would like to take this opportunity to tell you that gender equality is your issue too. For me, for all the women, for your sisters, friends, girlfriends, wives or mothers, let's being equal.

And remember, if you are just a man, Nobody is perfect.


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