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Anglais: la Nouvelle Zeland

Compte Rendu : Anglais: la Nouvelle Zeland. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  1 Juin 2015  •  286 Mots (2 Pages)  •  779 Vues

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New zealand

Ladies and gentleman thank you for coming, I'm going to present New Zeland,

New Zealand is a small island situated in the Pacific Ocean, its closest neighbour is Australia,

There are 4,4 million inhabitants in New Zealand, the capital city is Wellington,

If you want to visit New Zealand you will have to speak either English or Maori, the official currency is the New Zealand dollar, if you want to buy a souvenir or anything else will have to go to a foreign exchange office and change your euros in New Zealand dollars,

there are four seasons like in france, But what you need to know is that winter start in june and finished in august, and summer start in december and finish in february,

New Zealand export wool, wood and dairy products,

New Zealand is famous for its national team of rugby wich is called the All Blacks because of their completely black outfits, this team is considered as the best in the world, it is moreover the world champion team,

but the team is famous especially for its haka that they perform before each game, but what is the haka ?

The haka is a war dance centuries ago, it was perfomed by the maoris in order to frighten their ennemies,

How is it danced ?

They slap their hands againts their thighs

They puff out their chest

They band their kness

They stamp their feet as hard as they can

They sing loudly

They show their tongue

They pretend they are going to cut off their ennemies throat,

So i know about the origin of the haka ?

There is a legend, one day TE RAUPARAHA run to a friendly village to escape from his ennemies,

Thank you for listening and if you have any questions please feel free to ask,


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