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Anglais devoir 1

Dissertations Gratuits : Anglais devoir 1. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  4 Février 2015  •  740 Mots (3 Pages)  •  777 Vues

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1. Compétence linguistique (14 points)

 Complétez le texte suivant en mettant les verbes entre parenthèses au prétérit simple ou au prétérit en be +-ing :

(14 x 0,25 = 3,5 points)

Écrivez seulement les réponses sur votre copie mais dans l’ordre.

She (go) to New York for the first time in 1890. In those days, air travel (not/exist). It (take) three weeks to sail from France to

America by boat. When she (leave) home, she (feel) very excited. Imagine! she (go) abroad on her own. For the occasion, she

(wear) her best clothes. Her parents (come) to Le Havre to say goodbye. All around her, people (kiss) and (hug). When the boat

(sail off), she (can see) that her mother (cry) and her father (shout) last minute recommendations!

 Traduisez les phrases suivantes en français (3 points)

1. When Dally emigrated to L.A. six years ago she could barely understand English.

2. It was 1880 and he was off for an adventure; as he stepped on the boat he noticed her.

3. She was wearing a long white dress and carrying a suitcase.

 Traduisez les phrases suivantes en anglais (4,5 points)

1. Comme je descendais du bateau, je vis mon oncle qui m’attendait.

2. Ce fut en 1967 que mon grand-père débarqua en France.

3. Il m’a souvent raconté qu’il regrettait le soleil de son pays.

News of New York

New York’s debt to immigrants has become almost a cliché. Since Ellis Island was established as a center for new arrivals

in 1892, millions of people have sought the shelter of Lady Liberty, fleeing poverty, famine, war and persecution overseas.

They literally and figuratively built New York, from the skyscrapers and dockyards* to the corner delis* and garment* factories.

They brought their native foods and religions, customs and clothing, which New York graciously absorbed. But those

immigrants built the city inward and upward, and few ever ventured off the cramped, self-contained island of Manhattan.

The new immigrants are different. They are heading not for Manhattan, but for the more remote outer boroughs* – chiefly

Queens, Brooklyn and the Bronx – where housing is cheaper, job opportunities abound and there are plenty of derelict*

neighborhoods ripe for revitalization. They couldn’t have done it without immigrants.

Visiting the outer boroughs today is like taking a trip round the world. In Queens, Hindus worship at a temple with carved

elephant heads. West Indians play cricket in the shadow of the globe


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