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Anglais Cned Test 1: Exercices d’aide à la compréhension

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BTS Services informatiques aux organisations – 1re année


Devoir 3 – écrit

Exercices d’aide à la compréhension

Exercice 1

True or False? Justify with elements from the article:

Morrisons is the most popular supermarket in Great Britain. FALSE

It is the fourth most popular supermarket in Great Britain after Tesco, Asda and Sainsbury’s.

Morrisons has increased its profit in the last 12 months. FALSE

Morrisons has made poor progress in the last year. There has been a 2.1 percent loss in sales and a 7.2 percent

drop in pre-tax profit.

There are no online grocery retailers apart from Ocado in Britain. FALSE

Morrisons is the only leading supermarket in Britain not to have online presence.

Morrisons will begin its online service at the beginning of 2014. TRUE

They will start selling food online by January 2014.

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Morrisons is keeping its online sales plan a secret. TRUE

They said the details of the online grocery plan are “sensitive data” and refused to share it.

The partnership with Ocado is a strong possibility but not a certainty. TRUE

The online business plan does not depend on the tie-up with Ocado. It is only one option.

Exercice 2

Explain in your own words why Morrisons has not yet developed its online presence.

The chief executive, Mr Philips explained that before 2013 there had been doubts whether Morrisons could make a

profit from online sales. They had to come up with a specific strategy to their “differences” in comparison to the other

supermarkets. According to Mr Philips, the major specificities they need to stress are food quality, provenance and

customer trust.

Make a list of the details that lead us to believe that Morissons will benefit greatly from a partnership with


The internet grocer Ocado already has years of experience and knowledge of online retailing. They have enough

technology for Morissons to benefit from while gaining themselves from the notoriety of the fifty-two-year-old “brick

and mortar” supermarket.

Ocado is making more and more profits and shares have increased, especially since news of the partnership was

heard. This seems to foretell a positive outcome for both companies and more importantly for Morissons which has



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