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Angelina Jolie: Etait-elle un modèle? (document en anglais)

Documents Gratuits : Angelina Jolie: Etait-elle un modèle? (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  1 Mai 2015  •  266 Mots (2 Pages)  •  794 Vues

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My issue is : Angelina Jolie was she a model?

Angelina Jolie is thirty nine years old. She is American. She is actress, director, ambassador and producer. It’s actress the highest-paid Hollywood with thirty three millions dollards. This is one of most beautiful woman in the world. She has three children and adopted three children and more.

She become sensitive to humanitarian crises during the filming of one of his films. Angelina Jolie defended a lot humanitarian causes around the world and his known for his work for refugees. A few months after she visited refugee camps, for see the living conditions. By going to Cambodia she met afghan refugee and made a donation of one million dollard. Angelina is named goodwill ambassador, the august twenty seventh 2001. Angelina Jolie going humanitarian mission and met refugees in more than twenty countries. She met refugees Congolese, Pakistanis, Colombian, Sudanese …

In 2005, she anonced the foundation of “National center for refugee and immigrant children” by donation of five hundred thounsands dollards for the first two years.

She made Christmas day 2006 with Colombian refugees, where she distributes gifts. She gives one million dollards three organizations in Tchad and Darfour.

In 2007, she became a member of the council of foreign relations and receives the price of the peace. She made a donation of one million dollards with Brad Pitt to help Haiti after the earthquake that is was a port-au-prince in 2010.

For me Angelina Jolie is a true model. I think the other celebrities should take example on it. If everybody put there will be less and less suffering in the world.


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