- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Synthese Anglais

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Par   •  23 Mars 2015  •  503 Mots (3 Pages)  •  1 189 Vues

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The progress is more and more important nowadays. « Man-Machine » means that the machine can be human ,can think like a man or move like them whereas « Machine -Man » means that the man can be a machine ,can be like a computer and do what a computer can do . We will see technologies progress and science progress .

Should we fear about progress ?

In the first part we will see that the machine can be man , in the Second part we will see that the man can be like a machine and in the Third part we will see where we are heading .

The robots can be like human , it can be a great solutions for many problems , they could be a company to the old people , they could work , they could assist people or they could be a soldier , take risks instead of human being but not everyone could buy them . If they work , many human will lost their job ,they could kill the social life of the human .

In japan, they create an intelligent machine which can move, dance , do mimic movements , the robot can recognize your voice or also sing , this is incredible .

The man can also be like a machine or « enhanced human beings » because with the advance of the technologies they could act like a computer .In the document «  My body, My laboratory «  p.38 Mister Kevin Warwick after the experience can control an electrical chair and an artificial hand back .

So human can be like a machine because we always do experience to improve the human capacity .

With the advance of sciences and technologies , we can’t know what is next .The science fiction movie can be a prediction like the movie Robocop in 1987 who is talking about an archetypal human cyborg (it’s science fiction ) , in 1998 ,project Cyborg is created (in real life ) so science fiction movie can be a prediction .

We need to trust in progress because the progress can make a better world and a better life for all of us .

In term of technologies , A robot must not injure a human being , obey to orders given by a human being according to the three laws of robotics .

In term of science if we don’t control the progress we can arrive like in O Brave New World without parents, baby create in laboratory , the progress if it isn’t control could be terrible .

So , we shouldn’t fear about the progress because they can make a better life (with robots for exemple ) and a better world .

Instead of focus and invest in progress , why not take care of the country who need water ?


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