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Robert Kennedy

Fiche : Robert Kennedy. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  4 Décembre 2016  •  Fiche  •  333 Mots (2 Pages)  •  620 Vues

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Robert Kennedy

Robert Kennedy was born in 1968, he is the third brother of the famous Kennedy’s family. After have been in Harvard, he becomes a lawyer and promptly he helps his brother JFK who presented himself for senatorial elections, he supports him and helps him even if they haven’t the same politic position.

He was an idealist and he always said a famous sentence written by George Bernard Shaw : “Some men see things as they are and say, why; I dream things that never were and say, why not.”

After John’s victory he becomes his right-hand and his brother appoints him “U.S Attorney General”. He brings a great help to his brother during the Cuban Missile Crisis. But after his brother’s murder in 1963 he decides to resign from his job and goes through a long period of doubt and question. At the same time the press accuses him of having an romance with the famous Marilyn Monroe.

Profoundly changes by his brother’s death, he becomes strongly committed with the poor and against the death penalty. Its action leads him to the four corners of the United States but also in third world countries.

He decides to present himself in the senatorial election and finally wins he becomes the Senator from New-York. But Robert Kennedy wants to go further and presents himself for presidental election of 1968. He wins the primary elections in California, bringing him the position of favorite in the race for presidential election. But unfortunately the evening of his victory in the California a man shoots him three times in the head and he dies instantly.

Sirhan Sirhan, said he killed Robert Kennedy because he had supported Israel in the Six Day War in June 1967.His body was returned to New York City, where it lay in repose at Saint Patrick's Cathedral. Robert Kennedy is the second member of the his family who was a victim of the famous Kennedy’s curse.


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