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Jay Odjick

Cours : Jay Odjick. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  27 Octobre 2020  •  Cours  •  253 Mots (2 Pages)  •  410 Vues

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This extract of a Canadian media portrays Algonquin writer and illustrator Jay Odjick and underlines his fight to have his Native Indian background live through his works. He was already known for working with a well-known children’s author.

Indeed, he uses several means to spread awareness about his culture: he first imagined a Native superhero comics – Kagagi - in the like of the American ones, then managed to have it adapted into a series. In addition, he not only created several versions in Algonquin, but also uploaded the scripts, and use Twitter to regularly enable his followers to learn new Algonquian words. Lastly, he intervenes in schools to pass the language on to the young generations.

To him, such communication is not only a way to educate the public opinion on the history and living conditions of the Algonquin, but also an attempt at preventing it from dying – as an example, fewer and fewer Canadians can speak it, which worries him deeply. He wishes people interested make extra efforts to get to know and defend the culture, and seems to blame the government’s past actions. This article is thus a way to support Jay and his struggle.

This is why I love so much the work of Jay Odjick. I think that this author is more an supporter than an artiste and this is the reason of his succes.

Today it’s a good day but is not a good good day because it’s rainnin. I love paris, les français ont tellement de charisme


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