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Biographie Ray Charles english

Chronologie : Biographie Ray Charles english. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  5 Novembre 2021  •  Chronologie  •  375 Mots (2 Pages)  •  370 Vues

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        Ray : the incredible life of Ray Charles

        Ray is an American film directed by Taylor Hackford in 2004. This biographic movie of the singer Ray Charles has won numerous awards. It notably enabled Jamie Foxx to obtain the Oscar for best actor in 2005 for his interpretation of the title role as well as the Golden Globe for been the best actor in a musical film or a comedy. 

in my opinion the cast of this movie was full of wonderful actors, starting with Jamie Foxx who in this film embodies the soul legend Ray Charles. the American actor tells in an interview that before shooting the film he met Ray Charles, talked to him and played the blues with him. he says of this meeting that it created a fabulous story, this film completely upset and change the life of Jamie, it gave him confidence in him as an actor but also as a singer.

in this film, not a positive point, I learned that Ray Charles had dated a lot of women including one of his singer called Marge Hendricks who got pregnant with him, but he refused to raise the child, however he sent her a large sum of money so that she could raise him alone.

my favorite part of the movie is when he sings "What'd i say", when he's supposed to be done singing but still sings one last song out of his allotted time and suddenly all the people in the room get up and start dancing and just following what Charles say.

Although it mostly respects the life story of Ray Charles, the film has small freedoms. For example The first record, Let Me Hold Your Hand, ended in failure in the film when in reality it had some success since it placed in the first places of the R&B charts in 1951 or when when In the film, Ray Charles and his wife Della Bea are still together during the reconciliation ceremony at the Georgia State Capitol in 1979. However, the couple had divorced two years conclude I advise all people enjoying afro music or just wanting to discover the great character that is ray charles to watch this movie.


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