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Analyse littéraire pub Camel

Dissertation : Analyse littéraire pub Camel. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  27 Décembre 2020  •  Dissertation  •  257 Mots (2 Pages)  •  484 Vues

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This is an advert from Camel in the 20th century. It shows a white man who’s smoking a cigarette camel. We know that he is an adventurer because of his equipments next to him, the jeep behind him and his lunch over a campfire. The man seems to feel safe under his tent.

        First, look at the man. Even if he looks like an adventurer, his clothes are clean, which is not common in an adventurer. Unlike to his jeep, which is covered by mud, and the wing mirror is broken . This suggests that he hasn't fought against opponent, only make a journey. Does the cigarette, despite this taste of adventure, bring a bit of safety. There are many triangle in this ad, which reveal his stability.

        In an advertising, the typial adventurer always smoke. After his adventure, he smoke in a beautiful placewhich seems paceful. The cigarette is maybe a sign of strength and bravery. But the character is a man, that shows us the stereotype of the "strong and virile man" in the 19th century.

        We notice that the slogan is : "The taste of adventure". This advert can be shocking because of the influence they can have over youngers. They maybe think up that they can be strong with cigarettes only, but the tabac is very bad for the health. Nevertheless, Camel doesn't say anything about the consequences and risks.


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