- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Civils pendant la deuxième guerre mondiale

Dissertation : Civils pendant la deuxième guerre mondiale. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  11 Mars 2019  •  Dissertation  •  285 Mots (2 Pages)  •  497 Vues

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In 1975,when Yvonne Chami returned to Beirut after spending six years as a nurse in Vietnam working in very

difficult conditions.

She accepted a position in the pediatric section of a hospital in Beirut and discovered a disturbing reality.

Children were faced with disabilities that could have been prevented, their families were without support and were falling apart,

and the country with its lack of resources was unable to provide a proper response to this serious situation.In fact, The raging crisis of war offered little hope for disabled

children and their families.

Yvonne then envisioned and brought to life the dream of: “Supporting disabled children, from birth until death,

thus allowing them to lead a life of dignity, which in turn would bear witness and carry the message to others.” (the founder yvonne)

Provide sufficient family support so the disabled can remain in their family environment.

-Support the family, especially the mother, so they can recover the harmony, which is usually lost due to the child’s disability and

so they can overcome difficulties with joy and hope, and discover the art of living together in

acceptance of each person’s potential. In this way, each member will be able to fulfill each others’ needs and grow in harmony.

The family is central to SESOBEL’s philosophy.

- From the moment the family arrives at SESOBEL they are given support in order to strengthen and preserve their unity.

- The family is involved at every level in the planning and decision making process for their disabled child.

- Parents brainstorm, plan and work with the SESOBEL team for the future of their disabled child.

Give siblings support

-in case the presence of a disabled brother or sister is causing difficulties

-through information about their sibling’s disability


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